domo 関連ツイート
@Pochity_ff14 ぽっちーさんありがとー!!
@DoMo__06 2018/12/20 19:27
@aone0327 はるひろくんだぞ?(しらないくせにいう)
@domo_trpg 2018/12/20 17:25
@Domo_22McL 2018/12/20 16:47
The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations"No one in this world, so far as I know, has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people." --H. L. Mencken H. L. Mencken was wrong. In this endlessly fascinating book, "New Yorker columnist James Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea that has profound implications: large groups of people are "smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliant--better at solving problems, fostering innovation, coming to wise decisions, even predicting the future. This seemingly counterintuitive notion has endless and major ramifications for how businesses operate, how knowledge is advanced, how economies are (or should be) organized and how we live our daily lives. With seemingly boundless erudition and in delightfully clear prose, Surowiecki ranges across fields as diverse as popular culture, psychology, ant biology, economic behaviorism, artificial intelligence, military history and political theory to show just how this principle operates in the real world. Despite the sophistication of his arguments, Surowiecki presents them in a wonderfully entertaining manner. The examples he uses are all down-to-earth, surprising, and fun to ponder. Why is the line in which you're standing always the longest? Why is it that you can buy a screw anywhere in the world and it will fit a bolt bought ten-thousand miles away? Why is network television so awful? If you had to meet someone in Paris on a specific day but had no way of contacting them, when and where would you meet? Why are there traffic jams? What's the best way to win money on a game show? Why, when you walk into a convenience store at 2:00 A.M. to buy a quart of orange juice, isit there waiting for you? What do Hollywood mafia movies have to teach us about why corporations exist? "The Wisdom of Crowds is a brilliant but accessible biography of an idea, one with important lessons for how we live our lives, select our leaders, conduct our business, and think about our world.Dimensions: 14.73 x 2.79 x 21.34 centimetres (0.45 kg)「この世界の誰も、私が知る限りでは、平民の大衆の知性を過小評価することによって、今までにお金を失っていない」 --HL Mencken HLメンケンは間違っていた。
一見無限のエデュケーションと楽しいクリアな文章で、Surowieckiは、この原理が現実の世界でどのように動作するかを示すために、人気文化、心理学、蟻生物学、経済行動主義、人工知能、軍事史、政治理論など、 彼の議論が洗練されているにもかかわらず、Surowieckiはそれらをすばらしく面白いように提示します。
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寸法:14.73 x 2.79 x 21.34センチメートル(0.45 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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@Pochity_ff14 ぽっちーさんありがとー!!
@DoMo__06 2018/12/20 19:27
@aone0327 はるひろくんだぞ?(しらないくせにいう)
@domo_trpg 2018/12/20 17:25
@Domo_22McL 2018/12/20 16:47